Fun time

Moooo whatever you like in here...
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Post by Snooooop »

well they now have an airsoft thompson, that is identical in all specs to the real thing. Thing is made of metal too :) may just buy it because its cool. No drum magazine though :( anyone have a thompson with a drum magazine? :) ill buy it
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Post by *|DTF|*Seti_Sniper »

Kosanderi wrote: But what puzzles me is that why post this video here or more as how does Heggis fit in all this? Heggis - as you know - doesn't read this forum anymore, so why here? You could of posted this at BBFIN-forum where he could of red it...
Øhhhhhh okay i missed something here .... i can see!!
First i didnt know Heggis dont come(read) here anymore
and I for sure never want to piss off Heggis ! I think Heggis and i know each other well enough to take a joke or two.

about the BBFin forum: well i dont come there much for the reason its 99% finish speaking forum and i dont understand Finish.

what else is going on here i stay out of, but i didnt "light the fire" by purpose ! thats for sure !

over and out
*|DTF|* Seti_Sniper
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Post by KOF »

Kosanderi wrote: But like I said before - when in rome... Your forum, your rules... I woundn't tolerate back-stabbing of anykind, but if you find it fun - go ahead. :wink:
Don't know who you think is backstabbing, at least I don't feel myself in that categorie. Btw, I don't want to start a discussion who is or who is not in your opinion, but I have to react once to the saying.
Kosanderi wrote: [conclusion]
The only reason I'm still hanging around is that I still consider you guys as friends & I hope that when the next BIG game comes, we can all enjoy it together without such grudges in between. I just think that you should endure some "sarcasm" as well. How's that for fun time?
The same goes for me. And as I see you playing RvS you see me playing other games at the moment. I'm not into RvS anymore and I guess you all don't feel like playing the games I'm in. So we only can hope for a big good future game. Fingers crossed !!

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Post by Kosanderi »

KOF wrote:Have to say to this that it's not true.
Heggis told me myself that he has read posts on this forum (after he disabled his account).
This said: I don't know if he will read cowforum on a regular base or in the future. That is all up to him.

So it seems. We had a brief chatter today about the matter. Though I don't know how often he check's up this forum still never the less I don't find it any more amusing knowing that he'll read it, but had chosen not to reply on the matter. There's a word for that - absent - not present/attending. That's basically the same thing. :?

But like I said before - when in rome... Your forum, your rules... I woundn't tolerate back-stabbing of anykind, but if you find it fun - go ahead. :wink:

The only reason I'm still hanging around is that I still consider you guys as friends & I hope that when the next BIG game comes, we can all enjoy it together without such grudges in between. I just think that you should endure some "sarcasm" as well. How's that for fun time?
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Post by KOF »

Kosanderi wrote: But what puzzles me is that why post this video here or more as how does Heggis fit in all this? Heggis - as you know - doesn't read this forum anymore, so why here? You could of posted this at BBFIN-forum where he could of red it...
Have to say to this that it's not true.
Heggis told me myself that he has read posts on this forum (after he disabled his account).
This said: I don't know if he will read cowforum on a regular base or in the future. That is all up to him.

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Post by Kosanderi »

I'd say it could be, but it isn't. :roll:

Then again - we don't shoot distances that close with rifles. 8)

[thoughts] (WARNING! This might upset some readers, proceed with caution.)
But what puzzles me is that why post this video here or more as how does Heggis fit in all this? Heggis - as you know - doesn't read this forum anymore, so why here? You could of posted this at BBFIN-forum where he could of red it...

Unless your intention was to make fun of him behind he's back? That isn't something we are customed in Finland - making fun of our friends openly behind their backs. & Thread going as fun time - what does this have to do with fun time? It doesn't look to me like that poor bastard is enjoying all that much of he's experience. Well, customs are different & when in Rome.... :roll:

& for the record - noone is perfect & there's a lot we can learn from each other, but I bet some of you have already figured out - just like I have - that criticism is more effective when it's given in private. That is unless your intention to humiliate them or just piss them off... or make a point of the matter... Agree? (If you got upset: I warned you, didn't I?)

I still am a bad man! :lol: & I ain't getting any better...
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Post by *|DTF|*Seti_Sniper »

*|DTF|* Seti_Sniper
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Post by Monty_BROz »

well you be sure to give Kenny my best and tell him we miss him.

grtz. Monty
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Post by Kosanderi »

It was suppose to be Ironic - perhaps I should of told you that we agreed not to post those pictures & videos on public. Not that there would be anything unappropriate, but that it wouldn't be edited anyways for what ever purposes they may see fit.

But the point was - we had fun & the thing you might be interested is that Kenny is alive & well altough he's eyes are getting worse so he can't play anymore. Anyhow he still has a valid driving lisence & he still hit the targets... 8)

So sorry Star if that went a bit over :oops: , but I just had to do it... :twisted:
Why do I do what I do:
I am a bad man! :lol:
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Post by *|DTF|*Seti_Sniper »

:lol: great fun :lol:

yeaa i know... im weird too
*|DTF|* Seti_Sniper
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Post by Monty_BROz »

so its sarcastic and funny ..... cant get any better ^^

Lighten up youngster :twisted:
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Post by StarSoft »

Hmm, thought this was the fun stuff thread.
Where is the fun? That Heggis left is his choice, noone told him to stop posting gun stuff or anything, if we did, don't you think we posted in the gun thread itself about it? If he can't understand sarcasm, his problem.
Just to clarrify: Noone is scensoring anything on the forum. If you want scensorship, let me know and we take care of it.
And to explain why I don't think is that your post is meant sarcastic is because it actually makes ppl believe one of us edited your post.
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Post by KOF »

Brilliant pictures and movies :)
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Post by Kosanderi »

We had a BBFIN-meet of 10 members(incl. Xc, Nemesis, JuZe, Arkkeri, Kosa, Heggis, Cotton, Jopez, K€nny and Matoruuvi(think that was it)) at Loppi few weeks ago. The meet started at friday at Loppi's XXXXXing range were everyone(& I mean everyone) got to XXXXX with various kinda XXXs Heggis & I gathered there eg. XXXXXX XXXXX .50XX.

For the weekend we had a cottage with a lakeside sauna reserved for us. Saturday was pretty much eating & playing poker. We also had a prize giving of the XXXXXing competition that took place at friday.

Sunday - waking up, eating some more & driving back home.

We had fun.

I have pictures & films about the event HERE! 2,69GT all in all...
Admin: "Contains XXXXXing - censored!"
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Post by Heggis »

.45 in slow motion... ;)

link to 12Mb video
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