If they have finally reduced the size of Windows, cut down the services running and made it as reliable and fast as XP/Vista (both served well for me) then it's a must get.
Think about this: What if you could just upgrade the main part of Windows. Let's say I would be still "using" windows 3.11 that would look and feel exactly like it but underneath it would have a Windows XP as a core operating system and be able to run the latest games etc (I just wouldn't have the "latest" desktop and windows gadgets).
yups server2003 works like a charm ! im running on the third year (without reinstall) now and it still performs great.
motto: why mess with something that works and you are happy with ?
as stated... my life is to short to follow M$ every time they want some of our money
well im gonna wait ! I never install Betas of Windows.... my life is to short to install OS's
install the OS and then i wait 3-4 years before changing or reinstalling
cant get aero or games to work, getting error installing gfx drivers
strange taskbar, but i'll get used to it.
else.... well it works. direct sound seems to be back