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Posted: 19 Jan 2009, 18:42
by MrVeLLu
If they have finally reduced the size of Windows, cut down the services running and made it as reliable and fast as XP/Vista (both served well for me) then it's a must get.

Think about this: What if you could just upgrade the main part of Windows. Let's say I would be still "using" windows 3.11 that would look and feel exactly like it but underneath it would have a Windows XP as a core operating system and be able to run the latest games etc (I just wouldn't have the "latest" desktop and windows gadgets).


Posted: 14 Jan 2009, 16:26
by Jopez
Well, i guess i have to spend some too in future. Windows 7 seems to be promising so i even might actually buy it some day in future...

Posted: 14 Jan 2009, 02:25
by Snooooop
yes, i paid $25 for a legitimate copy of Vista Ultimate

Posted: 13 Jan 2009, 22:44
by Jopez
Money???? Has someone put money on some Microsoft software??

Posted: 13 Jan 2009, 10:05
by *|DTF|*Seti_Sniper
yups server2003 works like a charm ! im running on the third year (without reinstall) now and it still performs great.

motto: why mess with something that works and you are happy with ?
as stated... my life is to short to follow M$ every time they want some of our money

Posted: 13 Jan 2009, 03:06
by Snooooop
haha starry, for your your sig, i thought it said magic and sword was Transgender...haha read it too fast

Posted: 13 Jan 2009, 00:37
by StarSoft
And thats why he went windows 2003....

Posted: 12 Jan 2009, 20:45
by *|DTF|*Seti_Sniper
well im gonna wait ! I never install Betas of Windows.... my life is to short to install OS's
install the OS and then i wait 3-4 years before changing or reinstalling

Posted: 12 Jan 2009, 02:17
by Snooooop
well for drivers, use windows update
that fixed my problems i was having installing my sound card and video card

and i never got a key, it let me in anyway

Posted: 12 Jan 2009, 01:41
by KOF
Downloaded it but don't know if I will install it.

Key until august and ..... I don't know if I want to switch to Windows 7.
And if I don't want to do that: than there is no reason to install it.

But I'm curious to see how it works and looks. So maybe .....

Posted: 11 Jan 2009, 19:37
by rastapopoulos
cant get aero or games to work, getting error installing gfx drivers :(
strange taskbar, but i'll get used to it.
else.... well it works. direct sound seems to be back

Posted: 11 Jan 2009, 19:03
by Heggis
You mean Vista isn't the answer??? :shock: :lol:

windows 7

Posted: 11 Jan 2009, 05:08
by Snooooop
i downloaded and installed the beta for windows 7, so far it seems pretty sweet :)