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Posted: 29 Oct 2008, 19:33
by Kosanderi
NumbNuts wrote:Google is evil!
I'll take 2 plz... :twisted:

Posted: 29 Oct 2008, 12:10
by KOF
NumbNuts wrote:Google is evil!
Nice yell but can you give me reasons for it ?
I guess you are using it to search the net for information !
I guess you use Google maps also sometimes !
And if you don't like to use any of it (including Chrome) then you don't. In my opinion a fair thing.

And yes Google might do stuff which we don't like. But I guess all companies who can store data or something like it do so. That means i.m.o. that, following your cry, all companies who provide software or hardware related to the internet are bad.

Posted: 29 Oct 2008, 03:19
by NumbNuts
Google is evil!

Posted: 28 Oct 2008, 22:11
by KOF
I like the speed of the browser, I like the 'startup page' with all the last visited pages but ..... as Star mentioned:
Not all pages are shown like they are supposed to be. That's why I use it not much.

Posted: 28 Oct 2008, 21:47
by StarSoft
no, post here, post here! :p

Posted: 28 Oct 2008, 20:25
by *|DTF|*Seti_Sniper
read answer on inthe other forum u posted the Q

Posted: 28 Oct 2008, 20:21
by StarSoft
I like it but i miss the lack of plugin support.
Certain plugins on sites are not made for chrome, so then i will have to go back to firefox.
It runs really smooth and is pretty stable. Allthough on my craptop it tells me it is crashing cuite often, and if i tell it to wait instead of kill a page, it continues working.

And i dont like the google background stuff that much...

Google Chrome

Posted: 28 Oct 2008, 19:36
by Jopez
Any opinions...
Have u tried it yet?

(its a web browser ;) )