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Posted: 02 Jul 2008, 10:14
by Kosanderi
"It's coming right for us..."
- Jimbo

Posted: 02 Jul 2008, 07:29
by *|DTF|*Seti_Sniper
damn and grumpy too :wink:

Posted: 01 Jul 2008, 23:32
by KOF
Yikes, it is BIG !!!!!

Posted: 01 Jul 2008, 23:32
by Monty_BROz
haha the fatty is moving again .. YAY

Posted: 01 Jul 2008, 23:18
by Monty_BROz
I shall be looking for moves soon and Im sorry :)

Posted: 01 Jul 2008, 22:47
by Kosanderi
That's what happens when you start to play COD4's HC-mode... Camping... 8)

Posted: 01 Jul 2008, 16:03
by MrVeLLu
what a hell is wrong with you, M? START MOVING!!! lol

Posted: 01 Jul 2008, 15:17
by *|DTF|*Seti_Sniper
or something happened when they trashed their old domain :wink:

Posted: 01 Jul 2008, 14:28
by KOF
Maybe it is the BROz themselves which are still acting like they are in the 80's :)

Posted: 01 Jul 2008, 14:19
by *|DTF|*Seti_Sniper
myn should work too 8)

Posted: 01 Jul 2008, 11:32
by KOF
But look at my avatar ............................. ;)

Posted: 01 Jul 2008, 10:12
by MrVeLLu
it surely ain't the same no more. I demand gif animation support for this forum! It's 2008 not... 1986?

cows are a slow moving bunch with this internet thingy.

Posted: 01 Jul 2008, 01:36
by Monty_BROz
I think Starsoft or Koffie is destroying my sexy moves :)

Posted: 30 Jun 2008, 09:04
by MrVeLLu
why your avatar has stopped moving, M?

Posted: 30 Jun 2008, 08:45
by Monty_BROz
Funny word but not sure what you mean ^^