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Posted: 07 Mar 2008, 23:42
by Monty_BROz
I think if you are a "normal" user then these
server things gets to complicated .. well they do
for me at least.

grtz. Monty

Posted: 06 Mar 2008, 12:23
by Jopez
Well, i would use Ubuntu if it would work with games, but atm i think ill stick with XP for some time.

Posted: 05 Mar 2008, 23:27
by *|DTF|*Seti_Sniper

Posted: 05 Mar 2008, 16:12
by Monty_BROz
If its out and I got it via automatic updates, then I cant report of any
change what so ever. But considering I have no problem what so ever
in Vista I guess that is good news.

I would love to know what problems other ppl have, I have become
curious if in fact its Vista or attempts to run Vista on old computers
that creates the problems.

grtz. Monty

Posted: 05 Mar 2008, 02:50
by Jopez
Well, has anyone any good news from that Service pack for Vista??

Im curious to know how Vista is running and has they made improvements there and what kind of?

I was thinking to buy Vista, but i wont do it before i know it runs nicely... For now, i dont know anyone who has Vista installed so i could try it and sadly, only one man has said its good... i mean what i know, and thats Monty. Other opinions i have read from differend forums, not too much given respect to Vista yet, but how is it after Service pack??

Posted: 26 Jan 2008, 00:58
by *|DTF|*Seti_Sniper

Posted: 26 Jan 2008, 00:52
by Snooooop
lol, it did it in XP as well as Vista. Im 70% sure its the Killer NIC thats causing it to occur more frequently, but it still crashed even before that.

Im thinking about getting a newer processor soon as well as some more memory. Im running 64 bit Vista now and so far no problems(knock on wood) I cant wait for the service pack to come out, i have high hopes for it :)

Posted: 25 Jan 2008, 19:28
by *|DTF|*Seti_Sniper
comment (backup of M)
99% (okay im putting it to the limit here ;) ) are due to either a hardware problem or a driver problem.... and not the OS, Game or what ever lots ppl blame.

So Snoop if u get BSD i would start to look at drivers (make sure they are Vista rdy) next will be a more serious hardware debugging !

question: did same hardware run other OS without probs or have you upgraded hardware too ?

Dont drop Vista just due to the BSD as first choice !

Posted: 25 Jan 2008, 13:23
by Monty_BROz
bluescreen can be a hardware failure, but you already know that :)

P.S. Just read that SP 1 for Vista should be released feb. 15th
(also a beta version of sp 1 should be out there for the public)

maybe that can solve some issues for you.

grtz. Monty

Posted: 25 Jan 2008, 03:54
by Snooooop
well, i knew about that security thing asking if im sure i want to do stuff, so i figured there would be other useless programs that i can turn off. I just installed 64 bit Vista and ima try that now :) I still get blue screens in Vista much like the ones in XP......I upgraded for DX10 as well as to try something new. So.....yea oh and i havent done any of that stuff you suggested to the 64 bit version, im still updating :)

Posted: 23 Jan 2008, 21:53
by *|DTF|*Seti_Sniper
Monty_BROz wrote:well I never noticed the post Seti referred too,
that was my LOL.
lost of forum topics gets into strange discussions coz ppl dont read all the posts in a topic, and then they start to accuse/flam or what ever others and the topic gets "out of topic"

ADMIT: i have done same, and for same reason i today try to have my posts straight !
Not that Im a Saint now, but i try to stay on track, but i might fall outside again. ! U r welcome to "slap" me if so

LAST: opinions should be welcomed !! but when one say so, he also have to accept others

LAST LAST: I think we M have allot in common on that issue ! I think we are some of the only who dont flame UBI for problems in a game just becoz its UBI !
I have alot of times tried to come out: Why UBIs fault ?
have u ever though about why others have no problems ?
Did your hardware have a problem ?
Did u use bad drivers ? and so on !
No software are one of the most difficult things to accuse due to some many hardware issues !
BUT: you can always accuse options, ways of doing things and so on !
but not "I got BSD so **** U"

Posted: 23 Jan 2008, 21:33
by Monty_BROz
Most of you post makes sense and I agree.

Still not cool with the "LOL" and I did not accuse
you of being anything, mush less a MS hater and I
dont think my post even suggest that.

And I did infact give Snoop a suggestion,
whether I got it right or not I dunno. But as
I read his posts he heard of trouble, he did not
experience any - an important observation imo.

I have no clue about anything on admin level,
I am a user first and foremost and all my thoughts
should be considered with that in mind.

grtz. Monty

Posted: 23 Jan 2008, 20:46
by *|DTF|*Seti_Sniper
well M, we can both be right and wrong here ! on different levels !
Are Snoop happy about his Vista, and just want it to run better ??
Are Snopp not happy about Vista, and want to try make it better, so he dont have to uninstall as .... suggested by some ??

About the MS haters, well i dont know if u now r accusing me for being that ?
if i was that, i would probably using Linux ! and not talking in VERY positive ways about win2k and win3k as i do !

No im probably one of the few which really test/read and seek for info before installing stuff ! (I dont just take it coz it was on the PC when buying i it)
I dont install stuff coz it new and hot, but install if it benefit me and my use of my PC ! and if i think it sux, i uninstall it !
A very good think I have learned by my job... dont install other stuff if the stuff u have works and u r happy, only do if u r unhappy or rdy to uninstall again !
Now some nerds will install to test... im one of them, but i uninstall almost as often as i install.

Now to shorten this tread up and get back to Snoops first post I think Im actually the only one which came with a constructive answer to his issue !! strange that it should come from me the supposed MS hater *LOL*
so unless U have some constructive for Snoop as my post #5 then lets stop the topic !

else Im always happy to take the discussion in any time on a technical level why we should use one or the other OS on our PCs !
and to sum i know how to use (most on Admin level):
Unix, Linux, OS2, DOS2.x, DOS3.x, Win3.x, win95, win98, WinME, WinNT4, Win2k, WinXP, Win2003, WinVista
so I can actually come with qualified statements about all of these !
!!! THO I truly have to admit Vista is the OS i have smallest experience with ! but still enough to know some tweaks and how it works !
But if we should discuss for/against, let make a new topic !

@ Snoop: did u try my ideas ? and did they help U ?

Posted: 23 Jan 2008, 03:15
by Monty_BROz
why the LOL .... I dont see the need for rediculing anyone.
And secondly, no need to quote out of context to make a point.

And in answer to your question read my post again.

For further understanding. MS haters around the world was cursing
Vista off before it even premiered, some tried a beta and cursed it.
But the truth is that the final version worked (compared to previous
released) and still the MS haters filled up forum after forum with
rumours, incorrect info and downlow lies.

I know a few ppl running it now and they are all happy with it, of course
there are things that could be better and the nerds find it to "secure" and
closed, but you have to realise its made for the masses not a few ppl that
know their way around a OS.

Ill repeat it worx great and no need to LOL that ...

grtz. Monty

Posted: 22 Jan 2008, 22:00
by *|DTF|*Seti_Sniper
he got it running !! good 4 him !
but if one r so "happy" about it, why ask and search for tweaks... yea even ask in a forum for more info !!