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Posted: 21 Dec 2007, 14:59
by Heggis

Posted: 20 Dec 2007, 17:22
by NumbNuts
happy happy joy joy.
Holidays for all of ye.

Posted: 20 Dec 2007, 13:39
by Monty_BROz
oi Rasse .. I want your freaking phone number ..

apa, sodomit .. marooooon

oh and Merry Xmas all of you :)

grtz. Monty

Posted: 19 Dec 2007, 16:15
by rastapopoulos

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

Posted: 17 Dec 2007, 11:11
by Nikita_BROz
We are soon there and i just wanna wish u all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,,,,,

hope u all will have a great time with lots of fun and lets hope u been nice so u get lots of x-mas gifts :D,,,
(i know i have been so just let me know if u dont have my adress and i give it to u :wink: )

Take care all!!