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Posted: 22 Nov 2007, 19:22
by Snooooop
well personally, Far Cry multiplayer was fun to me, and im guessing Crysis will have similar multiplayer....blowing each other up is alot of fun

Posted: 22 Nov 2007, 14:03
by Kosanderi
Crysis as a singleplayer is good - could be even better than CoD4 singleplayer.

But I don't think that many would like to play those singleplayer campaings over and over again. I haven't tried Crysis multiplayer, but as much as I liked the singleplayer demo - I haven't got that much faith on it's multiplayer. CoD's multiplayer I think is much like combined RvS & BF2 with few adds. Just like in BF AR isn't the only weapon you can manage & just like RvS one doesn't need 20 bodyhits for a kill. Perks & ability to shoot trough walls are very nice things.

KOF - so far 184 headshots...

Posted: 22 Nov 2007, 10:13
by *|DTF|*Seti_Sniper
im conservative.... i stick to Rogue Spear Urban Ops

Posted: 22 Nov 2007, 08:47
by KOF
Snooooop wrote:get Crysis before you get COD4.....
True on that. But I still don't know if the multiplay part of the game is any good.
Single player: it rocks


Posted: 22 Nov 2007, 06:42
by Snooooop
get Crysis before you get COD4.....

Posted: 20 Nov 2007, 20:34
by KOF
I think we all should give ourselves presents at any time !!
And on christmas (or 'Sinterklaas' in Holland) all the gifts are just extra :)

Call of Duty 4

Posted: 20 Nov 2007, 00:39
by Kosanderi
This is a great game... Both single & multiplayer work beautifully.

This I think you should get to yourselves as an early christmas present. :wink: