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Posted: 02 Oct 2007, 14:48
by Heggis
Well it could be easier if I wouldn't hurt my shoulder before those shots. Note to myself: Don't shoot the rifle while having shoulderbone behind the butstock. It hurts (again). But didn't even need to hit it to get parts flying off 8)

Little video of missed shot.

Posted: 02 Oct 2007, 11:34
by Kosanderi

Let's hope that next time you actually hit that HDD. :wink:

Posted: 23 Sep 2007, 19:11
by Heggis
Round 2 on the range...

Posing for the audience


Round 1 going into battery


More to the story will follow soon :twisted:

Posted: 19 Jun 2007, 16:28
by Heggis
Ready for some testing... :twisted:


Posted: 17 May 2007, 02:56
by Heggis
The dark days are coming... And evil is gathering up his armies...


Posted: 13 Apr 2007, 04:30
by Heggis
Kosanderi wrote:Heggis, you saved that HDD? Damn I'm having a bad feeling about this... :?
Well i was thinking of something like 400gr and 2200fps... doesn't sound any bad does it? Its only uhm 5800J (4277 ft lb) 8)

Posted: 12 Apr 2007, 23:43
by Kosanderi
Heggis, you saved that HDD? Damn I'm having a bad feeling about this... :?

Seti, Krasa, It's too late to even try to fit that cheating Shifter character to that match unless we could monitor her actions all the time & that would mean that the cheater would have to play on our side... :wink:

As you remember Jopez, I invited you to watch that competition we're gonna shoot on your backyard... If you decide to come remember to bring eye protection :) , hearing protection :D , bulletproof vest :roll: & good helmet(not mandatory) :shock: . Accidents do happen you know :twisted: ...

Posted: 12 Apr 2007, 22:29
by *|DTF|*Seti_Sniper

Posted: 12 Apr 2007, 22:16
by Krasavitsa
It is no problem Seti... I can handle those cheating finns... :twisted:

Posted: 12 Apr 2007, 20:35
by *|DTF|*Seti_Sniper
Krasavitsa wrote:... maybe this is giving too much information of my back ground, but shooting ANYTHING is a good thing. KRUTA Kossi and Heggis!! Next time use bigger gun. 8)
Ohhh no what happend to that cow ?? :shock: he even say something about shooting a cow next time, and u ask him to use bigger gun... Damn :?

Posted: 12 Apr 2007, 20:27
by Heggis
Krasavitsa wrote:Next time use bigger gun.
Well I'm not saving the HDD for nothing...

*to be continued...* :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Posted: 12 Apr 2007, 17:32
by Jopez
Excatly! Buy a real gun Kosa....

Posted: 12 Apr 2007, 16:13
by Krasavitsa
... maybe this is giving too much information of my back ground, but shooting ANYTHING is a good thing. KRUTA Kossi and Heggis!! Next time use bigger gun. 8)

Posted: 12 Apr 2007, 14:32
by Kosanderi
Seti :roll: Jopez :roll: Seti :roll: Jopez :roll: Seti

I understand that a piece of hardware to nerds could be like a cow to hindu's, but damn you guys :shock: ... It wasn't even SATA-drive & never the less it wasn't working anyway. So what was I suppose to do with it?

Nah, don't even bother... Since I know you guys aren't Hindu's next time I'll shoot a cow. :twisted:

Posted: 12 Apr 2007, 08:15
by Jopez
No use..... Not worth it :? :?