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Posted: 14 Apr 2010, 12:06
by MrVeLLu
great, friend request sent.

Posted: 14 Apr 2010, 11:46
by Monty_BROz
MrVeLLu wrote:Montyyy PM your full name, i can only remember your first name. I'll add u.
Im sorry Vellu, didnt notice this untill now. How does one PM in this forum.
Hell ... Rene xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx on facebook.

grtz. Monty

Posted: 06 Apr 2010, 18:30
by Snooooop
offered him some sort of highly addictive game

Posted: 06 Apr 2010, 18:30
by StarSoft
*|DTF|*Seti_Sniper wrote:ohhh u got a job now !!!
what did "facebook" offer u ?
You are slow... that's what I had instead of my "birthday" (according to you ;)) :D

Posted: 06 Apr 2010, 18:16
by *|DTF|*Seti_Sniper
ohhh u got a job now !!!
what did "facebook" offer u ?

Posted: 06 Apr 2010, 13:53
by Snooooop

Posted: 06 Apr 2010, 11:42
by StarSoft
The only thing I like of Facebook is that it "offered"me a job! :o

Posted: 05 Apr 2010, 20:42
by MrVeLLu

Posted: 04 Apr 2010, 05:28
by Snooooop
the one thing i like about facebook is it lets me keep in touch with my Marine friends

Posted: 04 Apr 2010, 00:19
by *|DTF|*Seti_Sniper

Posted: 04 Apr 2010, 00:13
by Snooooop
hmm im on facebook too :)

Posted: 03 Apr 2010, 22:22
by *|DTF|*Seti_Sniper

Posted: 03 Apr 2010, 20:47
by NumbNuts
A bit late reply, but I'm in teh facebook too :)

Posted: 07 Jan 2010, 11:53
by MrVeLLu
Montyyy PM your full name, i can only remember your first name. I'll add u.

Posted: 25 Dec 2009, 20:38
by Monty_BROz
I do have a Facebook account, but as Koffie I hardly ever use it.
However if you want to add me, you are welcome to.

grtz. Monty