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Posted: 25 Jun 2007, 10:00
by Heggis
So you now know where the brake is? :shock: 8)

No it's not the one on the right side

Posted: 25 Jun 2007, 06:09
by StarSoft
Well now you dont have to worry about forgetting your parachute anymore Seti. Cows to the rescue!

Posted: 09 Jun 2007, 10:51
by *|DTF|*Seti_Sniper

Posted: 08 Jun 2007, 23:55
by StarSoft
lmao Seti. Good old days :-p

Posted: 08 Jun 2007, 22:51
by *|DTF|*Seti_Sniper
what was the parachute key in BF again plz ?
I keep hitting the ground

Posted: 08 Jun 2007, 17:10
by StarSoft

Posted: 08 Jun 2007, 16:43
by Kosanderi
Does it really matter? :roll:

Well if he started to sit in front of the door he did it on purpose. That's why I use frags. :twisted:

Posted: 08 Jun 2007, 16:30
by Krasavitsa
TY Numbi - that is EXACTLY what happened.. though I think Shad may have closed the door on purpose... <3

And Kossi... is that Star or Koffi dancing?

Posted: 08 Jun 2007, 11:08
by Kosanderi
BBFIN intel also shows that some cows are training for BF2142 parachute jumps. Take a look.

Posted: 08 Jun 2007, 09:21
by *|DTF|*Seti_Sniper

Posted: 08 Jun 2007, 02:34
by NumbNuts
Well what happened was that shadow and kof were trying to open the door at the same time, so it closed and krasa flashed us all. That's why were all so happy when we came out :D

Posted: 07 Jun 2007, 21:43
by Heggis
Found a video of Cows training... I guess it was Krasa flashing.... again

Posted: 05 Jun 2007, 23:48
by Heggis
That goes for the MouseButton1 finger too. mmmkay :lol:

Posted: 05 Jun 2007, 23:42
by Snooooop
keep your finger straight and off the trigger until you are ready to fire!!

Posted: 04 Jun 2007, 15:21
by *|DTF|*Seti_Sniper
Kosanderi wrote:What is the correct place for trigger finger when not shooting???
Well i guess Num dont have any toes left