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Posted: 29 Jan 2008, 17:18
by NumbNuts
COD 4, no question about it.

Posted: 29 Jan 2008, 00:23
by Kosanderi
BBFIN has been talking about moving on to COD4. Personally I have nothing against the game even though I don't find it as good as some other I've played. Even so a crappy game is better than a good one with noone to play with. So far some of barbarians have prehistoric-class computers & that's why we play Raven Shield still. I think we would of gone to GRAW2 otherwise. Also other comrades from other Finnish clans still play RvS so we don't have the hurry to rush to the next thing just yet.

What comes to CoD 4 I have found that there are two ways ppl play it. There are the gamers who rush, move & play entertaining game and there are the lamers who decide to sit back & wait for the easy kills.

Now there are also two types of game modes - normal & HC. In the normal mode you need to shoot half a mag to a guy to kill him & the other option is that if you see someone & pull the trigger he's dead. Anyone can see that there are problems in both of these game modes. I have played on both type of servers & seen what they do to the players there.

In normal mode the running is just crazy. Noone cares if they get few hits in the way since they can get the energy back in the next corner. Running around the corner isn't a suicide even if there was someone waiting behind it. You actully have time to review your situation & go back if needed. Needless to say that good PC's with high FPS help to identify the opponent & shoot that half of a mag as fast as possible for a kill.

In some HC servers where I've seen the replay on my death from the eyes of the killer. There is one very remarkable connection between them - the killer had been waiting in that same place for as long as the replay could show. When I came to the picture the pulled the rifle up & few shots. If the mountain won't come to Muhammad ect. This becomes to be one of the most irritating features of the HC-mode.

Sure there are campers in every game, but if we compare the shooting in these games I found it very easy in COD. So easy that against camper you have a snowballs chance in hell to survive. Only hope is that good karma or bad ping will save you. The prob is that the uniforms or merely the heads of the shooters are harder to find from the surroundings. there are also 100 & 1 more places to hide in those maps. Because of the sizes of the maps you most certainly find more than one guy at a moment you step out of some doorway. If you even see the guy who shot you. And yet another nice round to watch trough the eyes of the muumi's in our team If no respawning...

You can get that CoD 4 to look like RvS, but is that really the point? Make a game seem like a game that ppl have just found finished, too much played & boring? But then it comes just an imitation of another game. The question is that is there such a need to move on so that we actually find ourselves playing almost the same game?

Now don't take this the wrong way - There are good things in COD 4 too. And as you know I'm not the kinda guy who speaks ill of something that I have never tried(like BF2142 was flamed down in some forums by the ppl who didn't even own the game(not you guys)). BTW - I heard that I cheat in this game too - bastards...

Posted: 28 Jan 2008, 17:12
by Krasavitsa
Quit being girls and remember that it was WHO u played with and not WHAT... Any game can b fun with good company.

We all know Kossi and Heggis are cheaters, yet we like to play with them. We know Kenny is a camper and love him anyway. ( no one fall over cuz i'm being serious for once ) I think we just need to remember that we like playing the same game together and just play.

CoD4 is fun, not battlefield like at all ( i also hated that game Monty ) There are hardcore servers that slow the game down a bit and no respawns, so very RvS like there. I've played high and low ping and still... when my butt is handed to me by a knife in the back from someone who has been following me for half the map ( i won't mention names ) and it's STILL fun! Damn cheaters... but I love them.

So quit whining and just play!!!

btw, there are still RvS games going on in BBFIN and always up for some CoD4 myself. :wink:

Posted: 28 Jan 2008, 16:01
by Nikita_BROz
i will stick to my kinky games :D

Posted: 28 Jan 2008, 02:02
by KOF
If you search for fast, instant action, not that long taking rounds then I think COD4 MP is very good.

Some servers or gamesettings don't have respawns so when you're into such a server: very good game.

Posted: 28 Jan 2008, 00:15
by StarSoft
I started playing CoD4 now singleplayer (dont think my MP works :-p) And it is pretty cool. But i really get the B1F feeling with it. Sude the missions are cool, but i dont see this as MP that fun. I like BF2 better then i think.

Posted: 27 Jan 2008, 13:05
by Kosanderi
Hmm.. How do you find BF2 & COD4 to be like each other? Yes, you can jump in both & in both you can play with respwans, but that's about it I think.

At this point I would say that I liked playing BF2 - & I still like it, but with COD I got bored in a week...

Posted: 27 Jan 2008, 05:15
by Snooooop
well to me, COD4 looks exactly like BF2...i havent played COD4 but from the looks alone i dont really wanna buy another game that looks almost identical to one i already have. CounterStrike is always there :)

but yea, we need a uniting game!

Posted: 26 Jan 2008, 13:03
by Monty_BROz
Limited jumping in DT, not when I drive :)

I dont think CoD 4 is anything like BF2 (which I hated) more like RvS + the jumping, but as Koffie mentioned its not that bad.

Come try it, good fun.

grtz. Monty

Posted: 26 Jan 2008, 12:44
by KOF
Seti, you forgot Tetris revisited :)

About COD4 or whatever game there is with jumping.
For some strange reason I don't see the problem with it. Its not (as far as I noticed in BF2142 and COD4) continuously jumping around.

And tactics in COD4 ? I play it the same as RvS. Maybe the stupid way but its quite easy to run around a shoot whatever you encounter.
I bet as a team there can be tactics involved but its easy to play without.
So yes, this game has potential (and it shows on the amount of 'old' friends playing it) and the only thing I really need to do is get more into it.


But not to forget another very brilliant game. Try DinkyToy aka Trackmania Nations. Limited jumping there as well but for the rest: brilliant :)

Posted: 26 Jan 2008, 03:46
by StarSoft
Yeah it is a shame the community got split up so much. But it is true, after RvS no new game came really to replace it.
I play Arma mostly right now, but not everyone is into that as much. Even though we say it is not, RvS had a bit of run and shoot in it. Games nowadays require a bit more tactics, each in a different way. Since realism is the key nowadays. Not that RvS was not realism, but in a different way i guess. And not everyone enjoys the same way of tactics as much as others.

I didnt try COD4 at all (will get it one of these days) so i cant really judge about it yet. But for me it looks a bit the same as BF2. I personally liked that btw, if you had a few ppl to play it with. But then others dont like the jumping mechanism in it. And true, it is sometimes a bit quake-like.

So i dont know if COD4 is the winner, i will try it and let you know how i think of it. Right now i'm afraid there is no other game we all enjoy the same as we all played RvS.

But what do i know? I'm just a cow...

What game ?

Posted: 26 Jan 2008, 01:45
by *|DTF|*Seti_Sniper
Well its time to think

whats the successor of RvS ?
is there any ?
could it be COD4 ?
could it be GRAW2 ?
could it be PacMan9 ?
or should it be a total other game ?

reason asking..... i c ppl/clans going in diff. directions over the last half year !
and i c it sad that the community are spreading !
it could also just be the "time" and a good thing, but nor or less I mislike it
I miss my friends and the old good spirit Saturday night !
Not to forget the cool meetings in CHP !

Are the old days dead ? and im living on a dream ?
Am i alone ?

yours Seti_Sniper