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Post by Kosanderi »

Heggis wrote:So we wearn't complete n00bs... just almost n00bs :)
Speak for yourself - I'm a total n00b & proud of it 8)
*|DTF|*Seti_Sniper wrote:yeaa i looked abit more on the pics, specially the "deep in forest" could pretty hard to estimate the wind !

hmm how the hell did u compensate for wind when u had no chance of estimating it ? shoot and pray ?
Occationally you could feel a gentle breeze on your face, although most of the time it was calm in the woods. With electronical hearing protection you could also hear the trees in the wind though I also use ear plugs under the muffs. Anyways like I told you the wind was coming from 1-2 a'clock so pretty much from in front of us all that kinda information was little late. Most of the time I tried to see the target & if they were moving, but at 700 meters it also was almost impossible. Luckily even though those gusts were bit more powerful than the wind overall was, they were coming almost towards the bullet -> less time in the gust & less effect since the angle wasn't that bad.

And since the trajectory is almost linear variable to the flight time & speed of the wind it wasn't such a big challenge to calculate(estimate) the final effect. I also took one extra click to cover the gusts. Besides it almost seemed to me if the 220 Sierra would of laughed at the face of the wind :lol:

Like Heggis said I too was a bit amazed by the company there. Some of them looked like they had never shot anything beyond 150 meters. Sure there were few experts, who I think I could learn quite a lot from, but the majority - damn.There was even one guy who didn't have a scope on his rifle at all. Ok, by itself it isn't that bad, but since there were no iron sights neither makes me wonder wtf is this guy doing here... :roll:
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Post by Heggis »

That was the trickiest part! :)

From "experience" we knew the wind in the open so that we could compensate the general wind. You could calculate the wind inside the forest pretty much zero. My "hold over target" meant more than the wind in the woods. You could see the grass/small tree branches at the treeline (500m) so that was pretty much the way you kinda estimated/hoped to give a clue. Ofcourse with a flight time close to a second wind can change etc.

But like said the fun was in trying to learn to read the wind and estimating it. Kosa and me have been shooting at our "homerange" with .22lr upto 200m so in that you also learn to read the wind a bit. So we wearn't complete n00bs... just almost n00bs :)

And to add even though this was our first time shooting "longrange" there we were much more uhm "professional" than some of the other folk who were supposed to know what they were doing... There were people with over pressured ammunition, no sighted in rifles (easy to sight in during those winds... useless), no idea of the flight path of their bullets etc etc...
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Post by *|DTF|*Seti_Sniper »

yeaa i looked abit more on the pics, specially the "deep in forest" could pretty hard to estimate the wind !

hmm how the hell did u compensate for wind when u had no chance of estimating it ? shoot and pray ?
*|DTF|* Seti_Sniper
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Post by Kosanderi »

*|DTF|*Seti_Sniper wrote:Now i know why Kosa shoot like shit last night on the sever.. he was still on 700m sight
Nah, I always shoot like crap... except when I cheat... :roll:
*|DTF|*Seti_Sniper wrote:with the wind gust u might have come out better with a little higher grain
Can't really say anything about that since 190 grain bullet is so much faster that the wind has less time to effect on the trajectory. Purely by the numbers 190 VLD would be better in the wind in such case as this 700 meters. But the difference would be ~ 2cm at the target. I tried to shoot 168 gr VLD @ 600 meters but that seemed to be quite a kite IRL in those gusts. I would of liked to try that 190 VLD, but I'm still missing the bullets. Allah damnit. :evil:

As always theorys are nice, but in practise it's whole different game...
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Post by Heggis »

I used a 123gr Lapua Silver Scenar (molycoated) since for that I had ballistic chart. I do have 140gr Berger VLD bullets but for that I have no load or speeds. But next time I will have that. And that with that bullet I should have ballistics pretty close to that kosas bullet...

Yeah heavier bullet could have helped but the main problem was that you couldn't estimate the wind much cause you didnt see the grass etc...
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Post by *|DTF|*Seti_Sniper »

nice pics and report ! heggis !
Now i know why Kosa shoot like shit last night on the sever.. he was still on 700m sight

so u choose the 220grain Kosa, what did Hegge use ?
with the wind gust u might have come out better with a little higher grain
*|DTF|* Seti_Sniper
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Post by Kosanderi »

Well, for some reason heggis didn't bother to take pics of my target I'm afraid. Like said the weather wasn't the easiest. When Heggis took that picture of the wind meter it was in average mode so it didn't tell the whole truth. In a gust it was something up to 7-8 m/s and at it's lowest 1-2m/s.

The wind was coming mainly from direction of 1-2(clock) so it could be counted as half value. At 500meters the correction was 4 clicks = 1 MOA. That meens 16 cm at the target. One gust could push the bullet up to 15 cm more. At 500 meters we saw the surroundings better & it was easier to take a shot between the gusts, but once in the woods where was no wind & you really couldn't see the surroundings it was a bit more difficult. Also I had zeroed my sight at 300m so I had to take only 50 clicks up to shoot at 700. That meens aiming a little over 4 meters over the target(well, I was aiming at the target, but the barrel was aiming 4m above it :twisted: ).

Even so I managed to get few shots that couted for a "headshot". 8)

The bullets I shoot were 220 grain = 14,3g Sierra HPBT and @ 700 meters after flying little less than one second they hold the speed of 570 m/s and the kinetic energy of 2300J(AK-47 has about 2000J point blank). Though I might hit a bit low I think it still does the job :lol: . Yeah - I know - only headshots count.. :roll:

anyways it was a good & educating trip. Looking forward to get to shoot more from long distances..
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Post by Monty_BROz »

I was never a fan of your gunmania posts.

But this picture series with the snipers I really

Nice post Heggis (well I guess Kosa gets some credit too :) )

Loved it

grtz. Monty
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Post by Heggis »

Well that was the targets after about first 30 rounds... And those are my targets...

I had couple of 10's and some 9's but not that many during the shooting. Kosi had more (*cough* luckyshots *cough*) than me ;)
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Post by KOF »

Moooooooooo nice post m8.

Guess you had lot of fun finding your way in between the trees (hence, why not chop them all down to get a clear view :) ).

Sad to see that no real bulls eye was hit. At least 'headshot' Kosa dissappoints me here :)

Keep the good work going and moooooooo I will not be the next target for your little excersise !!!!

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Post by Heggis »

Yesterday Kosi and I went to Finnish Sniper Quilds trainingsession to an army trainingground in Syndalen. First we went to the 300 meter rifle range but since we had our guns sighted in already we headed to the long distance range which is a Bazookarange. Now in the bazookarange woodline is about 500 meters (550 yards) and thats the distance from where we started.

Our shooting positions. No fancy concrete tables and such ;) Mine on the left and Kosis on the right. Yeah we have lots of snow... I mean almost knee deep :roll: ... 1.jpg/full

You can see the targets a bit more clearly in this picture. (hehe almost) The targets are 60cm (23,6") wide and the black center is 20cm (7,9") in diameter. ... 1.jpg/full

It was a bit windy too, average wind was about 3m/s (9,8 fps) and gusts were 2-3 times that. And the wind also circled a bit mostly it was from right or against. Kosis Cheat-o-meter ... 1.jpg/full

We shot 1 set from the 500m line just make sure our guns were sighted where they're supposed to and to evaluate the wind. After everything was ok we headed to the 600m (656yard) shootingline. Now like I said treeline was at 500m and how do you get a 600m line from it? Well easy you just go deeper into the woods :lol:

Picture of my 600m shootin position. ... 1.jpg/full

What you don't see the targets? Oh well can you see the targets now? ... 1.jpg/full

Plenty of room in between :D

Picture from Kosis shooting spot. He had a lot more clearance than I did... That cheater... ... 1.jpg/full

General picture of the 600m line. ... 1.jpg/full

The difficulty wasn't actually finding a spot between the trees but to have enough clearance upwards so the bullet wouldn't hit branches. We shot most of the shots from the 600M positions cause at that time more people showed up and they wanted to shoot 500m etc too.

Picture from the targets to the shooting positions. Not easy to spot a shooter ;) ... 1.jpg/full

And like I said the range is a Bazookarange so you don't want to go digging the hill behind the targets... ... 1.jpg/full

In real life wind doesn't affect the bullet in anyway... does it... ... 1.jpg/full

To take the 3m/s wind into consideration I aimed to the nro 4 on the right side of the target. So the 2 rightmost shots have been shot on almost calm wind and the rest on stronger winds/gusts. And this is from 600 meters. So basic wind is 3m/s and still the shots have spread 35cm (13,8") wide. It would be a bodyshot which is considered a 45cm (17,7") target.

Here's a group with little wind variation. ... 521-01.jpg

Okay so that was 600m line. Did we shoot even further? Yes we did. But how? Easy, just go deeper into the woods :roll:

On top of the small hill on the left is the 700m (765yard) line. There are also shooting spots on the hill on the right. ... 1.jpg/full

At 700 meters it's quite hard to find a place to shoot. But we got pretty good one at 690 meters. ... 1.jpg/full

And a picture looked through the scope. ... 1.jpg/full

So a small report of us sniping and battling the wind... It was lots of fun and we learned a lot. Firts time for both of us shooting this far. Ain't as easy as it is in the games :D
Last edited by Heggis on 27 Jan 2008, 22:58, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by *|DTF|*Seti_Sniper »

Kosa fooling around with high calib ... re=related

*|DTF|* Seti_Sniper
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Post by *|DTF|*Seti_Sniper »

*|DTF|* Seti_Sniper
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Post by KOF »

Well Kossa
Look at it at the positive way.
You're the only non-SSG mentioned on the new website :)

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Post by Heggis »

And to add that it says there they voted for the ban. So no proof needed! Just that they were killed so many times (cause they SUCK) and don't like it. But going accusing someone of cheating just because you can't play is just utterly wrong in so many ways.
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