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Posted: 21 Feb 2008, 17:08
by Kosanderi
*|DTF|*Seti_Sniper wrote:well Saiga is a good brand, but i guess u gonna mess it up pretty bad !
What do you meen by "gonna mess it up pretty bad"? I already have! What is yet to be done is that I'm gonna mess it up even worse. :twisted:
Anyways Saiga is not that good brand that I would loose my sleep over it even if it goes bad...
Heggis wrote:That is so much DIY so I do NOT want to be near when the over... I mean high pressure reloads blow the hell up of that rifle-ish... :twisted:
Some day you will beg me to let you shoot with it. Besides all the DIY-thingies are already done & tested with ove.. eh, high pressure cartrigdes so it's safe & fun to shoot now.

I tried a different kind of spray-painting today on the parts I made for bipod adapter. I must say that It actually wasn't my intention to heat the parts up to ~ 200C before painting them but it seems that it wasn't that bad of an idea. As the drying paint boiled on one of the parts it left a matte surface on it. At least I didn't have to wait it to dry more than 10 seconds. I had to wait it to cool down for a minute though. Looks quite nice & very, very saiga-ish. Now I know what to do when I get rid of the iron sights & how to paint the cleared areas...

Posted: 21 Feb 2008, 16:19
by Heggis
That is so much DIY so I do NOT want to be near when the over... I mean high pressure reloads blow the hell up of that rifle-ish... :twisted:

Posted: 21 Feb 2008, 15:54
by KOF
Cows are harmless so whatever you write: we cannot do anthing against it :)

Or ..... hmmmm... banoption ?!?!
Nahhhh, that wouldn't be nice !!

Posted: 21 Feb 2008, 15:18
by *|DTF|*Seti_Sniper
well Saiga is a good brand, but i guess u gonna mess it up pretty bad !

Pic's when done !!

Posted: 21 Feb 2008, 14:36
by Kosanderi
:lol: Monty :lol:

Perhaps it's not wise to ask such question when there are so many cows & farmer Browns reading this. They just might get it wrong...

Well here's a butt(stock) for you:

Posted: 21 Feb 2008, 13:39
by Monty_BROz
ok again hold on ...

what the hell does you "butt" have to do with building a riffle ....

grtz. Monty

Posted: 21 Feb 2008, 12:08
by Kosanderi
*|DTF|*Seti_Sniper wrote:wow wow Kosa easy now ! yo might get a heart attack in a to young age :wink:
You wish.. :lol:

But as I get back home tonight I'm gonna leave this topic & return to the original thread - guns.

It was few days ago since I decided what exactly I'm gonna build from my Saiga M3. A spotter rifle.

It will include these parts:
Saiga M3 7.62x39
Posp 8x42D or 6x42D or my old Swift mildot scope.
Ace sceleton buttstock
Harris Bipods

I already have the rifle, buttstock, bipod & few modifications on the rifle like, adjustable gas block(DIY), adjustable trigger(DIY), Adapter for bipod(DIY), iron sights(DIY). Yes, there are no beautiful mods there. Anyways I'm gonna loose the iron sights as soon as I get a scope on it.

As far as I'm concerned this will be the ugliest Saiga on earth, but it's almost so ugly that it's cool - bit like Monty. 8)

Posted: 21 Feb 2008, 11:52
by Monty_BROz
*|DTF|*Seti_Sniper wrote:wow wow Kosa easy now ! yo might get a heart attack in a to young age :wink:

I might wonder what kinda parents you have if your name really would be SetiSniper
I was send from above... so thats why Seti
I was so sneaky in my young days... so thats why Sniper
So yes they love me for what i am Seti_Sniper :P
ok ok hold your horses !

If I remember rite, the "i" in Seti stands for Intelligence :) so your parents
however sweet and devoted they are, did not have a clue :)

*Already Im sorry Poul, but it was just there infront of me ... had to go with it :twisted:

grtz. Monty

Posted: 20 Feb 2008, 23:40
by *|DTF|*Seti_Sniper
wow wow Kosa easy now ! yo might get a heart attack in a to young age :wink:

I might wonder what kinda parents you have if your name really would be SetiSniper
I was send from above... so thats why Seti
I was so sneaky in my young days... so thats why Sniper
So yes they love me for what i am Seti_Sniper :P

Posted: 20 Feb 2008, 09:43
by Kosanderi
Monty_BROz wrote:cool down youngster ... how about you start up the comunication
with them before you tear them new a holes on the server.

However, like I said I've been in contact with them via e-mail & msn. I won't go to details about private conversations but only quote the information they published. What they have said(both in public & private) and done are two different things. That is what dissapoints me the most. If you can't live up to your word what is your word worth then?

Besides - there is no harm done since I used XXX and not their own tag, so you can never know whom I'm talking about... Right? :wink:

Posted: 20 Feb 2008, 00:35
by Monty_BROz
But apart from that, everything is ok ?

cool down youngster ... how about you start up the comunication
with them before you tear them new a holes on the server.

grtz. Monty

P.S. Im not saying you did anything wrong .. Im saying if you
to have a better chance of not getting banned in the future then
maybe just maybe that s the way to go.

Posted: 19 Feb 2008, 20:03
by Kosanderi
Yes it has...

But in my opinion players should be able to play with what ever names they want to. Then again what is fake-nicking? In case you didn't know my real name isn't Kosanderi so it's a fake too. I might wonder what kinda parents you have if your name really would be SetiSniper... :twisted:
And for the love of god if some new player found the game a little late & learned how to play it. There is not even a snowballs chance in hell for that poor bastard.

Anyways, if they would of wanted to know if there were someone playing under that nick that might be better known with some other nick would it be too hard to ask? Besides - I've been banned as Kosa too - remember XXX? or |cc|? |cc| actually apologised to me that they banned me without a reason, but so far XXX has only apologised me that they have no proof. How odd is that? "Sry that we have no proof, but we still act like we do. We don't apologise to that though." Then they are yet again flaming on their website:
XXX have and does not ban anyone for suspicious gaming only, we want this to be clear!
To me this is really clear:
1. They have no proof me cheating!
2. They have banned me!

Let's see what dictionary says about a word, suspicion:"The act of suspecting something, especially something wrong, on little evidence or without proof."

Hmm they banned me without evidence or proof(1+1=2) - If you only think about this quote & what it meens you come to see that they aren't telling the truth. If it's not the truth it's a lie. Pure & simple.

"One that tells lies." - definition of a liar. Once again 1+1=2. Things on XXX's webpage are in direct conflict with each other so at least one of them has to be a lie. XXX has told lies so they are liars. Omg how stupid one has to be to write this crap & proof himself to be a liar. Anyways here's the bottom line: I have never cheated. No proof saying otherwise. XXX has lied & they prooved it all by themselves.

Then they still have the nerves to act like they are the ones that have been mistreated. Now, all this crap has been on their webpage at some point or another for everyone to see so I quote only them & won't go further to the details of our private conversations. But I can tell you this much that they is even more logical thinking there than in those "news" of their.

There can & should be noob-servers where ppl learn to play before they come to play with the real gamers. If XXX wanted to keep their server as one of those - fine by me. All they would of had to do was to ask nicely or ban me for that & I would of leaved them alone, but instead they banned me with the wrong reason. "we believe that you cheat!" LOL

Here's to you!
Frame it on the wall!

In case someone took this as flaming so be it. I admit that the last part was little out of the line, but that's why I marked their clan as XXX. Noone can guess this way whom I'm talking about...

Yeah, well - it seems that it really doesn't matter what nick I use anymore, since I get banned with it anyways. Too bad that all the old clan base fighters have moved on so there is noone to show them how that game is supposed to be played. Those idiots who nowdays fight with all kinda noobs have no idea about how good or bad they are themselves. So if a better player find he's way there he's automatically a cheater. You can only get better by playing against those that are better than you. If you ban the better players you will remain as the king of your own hill, but once you try climb some other mountain and you'll be beaten like a baby. Only good thing about it is that you get your feet on the ground for a change. 8)

Posted: 19 Feb 2008, 18:06
by *|DTF|*Seti_Sniper
have u 2 ever thought about that all your namefaking might make ppl suspicious and pissed off

just a thought 8)

Posted: 18 Feb 2008, 23:28
by Kosanderi
So sad that ppl are so stupid nowdays...(I didn't meen you :lol: ) :twisted:

Posted: 18 Feb 2008, 22:08
by Heggis
And it happened again...

Bunch of wankers :roll: :lol:

Okay not that conserned about other peoples lack of skills but the serverlist is getting short :shock: :lol: