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Posted: 06 Apr 2008, 17:58
by Kosanderi
Ok, time for pics - bad ones, but you get the idea. Still missing the silencer.
This is what it used to look like when it left the factory(without the folding stock though):

Posted: 06 Apr 2008, 17:00
by Heggis
Depends... Sandbag or bipods in front and "always" sandbag at the back.

And I like to shoot from table and Kosa from lying down.

Posted: 06 Apr 2008, 15:50
by Kosanderi

:shock: Not that this would have anything to do with what you asked Seti... :roll:

Posted: 06 Apr 2008, 09:20
by *|DTF|*Seti_Sniper
what kind of "rest" do u use for the test ? (sandbag/shoulder or some mechanical dinky)

Posted: 06 Apr 2008, 08:30
by Heggis
While waiting for Kosas pictures I'll post a picture of a crappy grouping 8)

Lately I've been trying new bullets to get a good grouping but just had to try my "old trusty bullet"... The bulletholes don't even touch :cry: :cry:


Posted: 05 Apr 2008, 16:24
by Kosanderi
Project Saiga got one step ahead today.

After few months of waiting I finally got that scopebase I wanted. In AK the scope is attached to the side of the frame just like in Dragunov & I wanted a adapter from this side mount to Weawer base. This way I can install any scope I want to it. Or should I say I have the ability to variate the scope I'm gonna use more.

What to put on it then? As you might already know, semi-auto rifles are probably the most savage guns for scopes. Even if the recoil is not all that bad, but the hit on it when slide hits back to the front position makes it harder for the scope. I have had this 1,5-5x20 Shirstone Gold for a while now & I really never have had any use for it so I thought why not - it might even work since it isn't a total POS. I used that new mount & Leupold PRW rings to get it in place.

Next thing is going to be removing the front sight. Actually removing is not an option since the thread for compensator/silencer is also part of it. Yet again I have to DIY something. This time it's gonna be easy, since I don't have to add any material but just remove. I'm not going to do it today though. There is always tomorrow or next week, month, year or what ever.

After this there is only the silencer thing left. I think that I'm gonna be working with that in the summer - or something. Anyways before that I'm just gonna shoot with the original compensator. After that front sight is removed I will post some pictures here...

Posted: 01 Apr 2008, 08:27
by *|DTF|*Seti_Sniper
nice pics Hegge... makes me drool

Posted: 31 Mar 2008, 17:25
by KOF

Looks nice m8.

Re: Kosa lighter than you.
Answer might be: WeightWatchers :)

Posted: 31 Mar 2008, 16:12
by Heggis
Okay back to the real business...

On saturday Kosa and I went shooting to Heinola silhouette range which is a 500 meter range. When we arrived there we wondered that there weren't any footprints leading to the range. As we walked closer we kinda realised why... There was snow... a lot :D The place is an old open mine or something like that. Kosa went first cause he had rubber boots and I had only my hunting boots. There was snow about half way up the leg on most places and at somepoints up to the knee. And Kosa is much lighter then me so when I followed his tracks I would sunk a little more... After the first trip to the 500m level it got a lot easier. Just backtrack the foot steps... and miss one footprint and sunk some more :D

view to the range and my chronometer


Oh look there are moving "targets" :twisted:


view from the 500m level


My main point was to get speeds from my test loads on 140gr VLD with Vihtavuori N560 powder and see if I could get any decent groups with them. I decided to shoot to 300m cause it was really windy and upto 300m the wind seemed to come mostly from behind. Got really good speed but the groups were hideous... 15-20cm @ 300m :( And this was with all the speed ranges I had with me from 850m/s to 910m/s so it just might be that the bullet doesn't like my barrel... I hope I'm not that bad shooter :D I'm gonna test with higher speeds and with other powder but it just might be that I can't have cheat bullets to the sniper competition :(

Thick barrel, small hole...


And the model is...


On the way back we stopped by Jopez for a cup of coffee... Although neither kosa or me drink that black tarr... Btw it's easy to find to Jopez house... First turn left at the pawn shop, pawn your guns there. Then turn right stop by the sex-shop, buy few movies there with the money you got from the guns. Then stop by Jopez house, watch movies and drink that black tarr and after that head downstairs to the undertaker's. And that's it... simple isnt' it :D

Posted: 04 Mar 2008, 13:27
by Kosanderi
Xcutor wrote:Oh dear... WTF is wrong with there people?
Eh, with what & where?
Jopez wrote:*burb*
If you meen this it's just Jopez with an ulcer & bad habits - nothing new..

Posted: 04 Mar 2008, 12:05
by Xcutor
Oh dear... WTF is wrong with there people?

Posted: 03 Mar 2008, 10:20
by Jopez

Posted: 03 Mar 2008, 01:40
by Kosanderi
If you take a look at the server message it says:"No cheating, no camping.."

Well I guess that if the one of DSS guys was camping, Joppe could as well be xiiiiiiiiitiiiing. Well, Nice of them to put such messages there when one of their own was hiding all the time. Oh, sry. Since we have to be politically correct nowdays(no fat or small ppl - just vertically & horisontally challenged) I have to withdraw that. What I ment to say was that SwERV did a lot excessive tactical waiting...

But to the point - YES, HE IS BACK... THE ONE... THE ONLY(thank god for that)... THE HOST OF WWW.JOPEXIIT.ORG!!!
This was just a teaser though, he will make a full return in few weeks, so now is the last time to get any kills what so ever.

Posted: 02 Mar 2008, 22:38
by Heggis

Posted: 22 Feb 2008, 19:43
by Monty_BROz
Kosanderi wrote::lol: Monty :lol:

Perhaps it's not wise to ask such question when there are so many cows & farmer Browns reading this. They just might get it wrong...

Well here's a butt(stock) for you:
oh man, Im disappointed now :twisted: