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Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 20:18
by *|DTF|*Seti_Sniper
been there.... done that..... got the tshirt 8)
(in both cases :P )
and i dont wanna ruin u ;)

btw: is it a "snell"-trigger u have on that riffle ?

Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 19:13
by Heggis
So Seti, when are coming to Finland? The 458 doesn't even kick...

See the video (12Mb)

Posted: 05 Jul 2008, 19:53
by Heggis
Little bit of size comparison... I have a size 10 hand... ... jpg/medium

Posted: 05 Jul 2008, 18:59
by Monty_BROz
wow and woow :)

Posted: 04 Jul 2008, 18:02
by Heggis
There is but but... I'm poor :(

Factory ammo costs minimum 8?/shot... By reloading it costs me about 2?/shot :roll:

And my 2000? scope hasn't arrived yet... :cry: :cry: :cry:

Posted: 04 Jul 2008, 17:39
by Monty_BROz
isnt there a box with ammo that says: Moose

if so, just get that one :)

Posted: 04 Jul 2008, 17:27
by Heggis
Went to do some shopping today and what did I get...

Well.... HELLO MOOSE!!!

Woodleigh 500gr (32,4g) Weldcore RN SN W26
Trimmed Winchester .458WinMag casing
Federal 215 primer
Vihtavuori N133 66,5gr (100% fillrate)
OAL 84,43mm

Quickload estimates 633m/s velocity... it's enough for little cows... I mean mooses. Recommended impact velocity is 550-670m/s. I hopefully can get to 650m/s speeds by putting little more powder but have to be carefull with pressures. They are at max with that load :)

Posted: 17 Jun 2008, 08:23
by *|DTF|*Seti_Sniper
yeaa Kosa is a slow mofo ! he should have jumped at the spot when he saw her.

and thank God i did not have to sit on the barrel.... would have hurt my nuts ;)
Else nice weekend :D

Posted: 16 Jun 2008, 23:33
by KOF
Don't we all hate Kosa ;)

Posted: 16 Jun 2008, 21:04
by Heggis

a) my camera was in my camerabag when I noticed her
b) atv was going too fast
c) Kosa didn't help me stopping the atv by jumping infront of it...


Posted: 16 Jun 2008, 20:47
by KOF

Posted: 16 Jun 2008, 19:27
by Heggis
And pictures can be found HERE !! Okay was lazy so only 94 pics...

Posted: 16 Jun 2008, 14:10
by Heggis
Okay here's a little range report. Haven't edited the pictures yet cause got 440 of them but will do that propably today or tomorrow.

The first day consisted of pretty much long stages. And in Estonia that means minimum 32 rounds per stage :)

<b>Stage 6</b>
We started our competition from the 6th stage cause we were squad number 6... Notice the logic that even cows can understand!! ..while drunk ;)

The stage was called Thru the viewport which obviously means shooting from windows. Here you had multiple targets (10) that could be shot from many different windows. I took the option to shoot from as few windows as possible cause I ain't that fast mover... weird ;)

The stage started okay to the first window but ofcourse I had to change my grip a bit so ended up dropping a mag. And to be anymore dumber I picked it up instead of rapidly getting a fresh mag from my belt... ofcourse. Well it's always the first stage of the day and luckily it didn't affect too much damage to my points. Was 11th on the stage (in open class) with 72,05% from the stage winner.

video: ... 7.AVI/full

<b>Stage 7</b>
This stage was called Hot area. It was a bit more straight forward than the first cause you had 4 sets of targets to shoot (20 all together). No memorygames but the trick here was to shoot while moving. Well you didn't have to move but you saved a lot of time by doing so. And with a red dot it's a bit easier too ;) I made one "mistake" to shoot 3 shots which meant that I was late on the next target and had to stop cause I actually missed one shot to the target also... crap... Then I should have started to move again but didn't and lost a little more time there. But all in all a pretty solid run. Was 5th in the stage with 74,45%

Video: ... 9.AVI/full

<b>Stage 8</b>
Undercover. This was the first dark stage. In this stage you shot inside a bunker and the only light was your flashlight. The bunker had 5 rooms that had targets (16) and in the last room there was a swinging target. When I got to the 3rd room I had a malfunction. Had one missfire and the mag didn't feed the next round for some reason and took a while to realize that. Eventually switched to a new mag and continued but that cost me atleast 10 seconds, very likely even more. So ended up in 12th place with 45,43% :(

no video cause it was daaaark :)

<b>Stage 9</b>
Basement. This was also a dark stage but this time the start was outside so took little for your eyes to adjust to the darkness. Again you could use a flashlight here and there was 4 rooms and one of them had swinging target (17 targets in all). No big hickups here, just crappy shooting :/ Was 8th with 66,61%.

Again no video cause of the darknessssss

<b>Stage 10</b>
Keep the bag. This stage had 4 sets of targets (20 in all) that you could shoot. Trick was that you were in light and the targets were inside a ex-building. And also you had to hold a bag (in this case a childrens backpack) while shooting. And it had to be on your arm, not on your shoulder. As usually the Estonians are sadistic bastards (;)) that put a small plate on a shoulder of a no-shoot target.

See the pic ... jpg/medium

That plate was so easy to shoot from the shoulder agains a dark background... I personally just aimed just abowe the shoulder and pulled the trigger... No hickups or anything and was 4th with 87,30%. Just wondering what the hell the others screwed up so that I got so high points :D

Video: ... 1.AVI/full

<b>Stage 1</b>
Cellar. This was the 3rd and last dark stage for us. Here you had the main corridor you went along and there were 6 narrow corridors that left from it that had targets and in the end there were stairs down that had 3 targets. All together you shot 16 targets. No actual mistakes in shooting but crappy choice of gear. Had yellow glasses and white led flashlight and the targets were brown and had plywood background. Shooting from 5 meters couldn't tell them from the background so pretty much blasted away where they were supposed to be... Was 11th with 58,83%. During this stage it also started to rain and that continued to the end of the day.

No vid...

<b>Stage 2</b>
Hard to see. This stage had again 4 sets of targets with 14 targets in all. This was pretty basic course. Start and shoot from standing, move and shoot the next 2 sets and in the end shoot while standing still. No big mistakes, lost time not shooting on the run on the second shootingplace and was 8th with 69,89%.

No video cause Kosa was slow... "I'll shoot soon... okay... what you shot next..."

<b>Stage 3</b>
Fall them all. This was a memoryshoot with 20 targets. I hate these kind of stages... well don't know if anyone likes them. You have multiple shooting places and you move abit see 3 targets, move a little more. 2 of them hide and 1 more shows up, move little more see 5 targets and 1 of them you had shot already, etc etc. No malfunctions but forgot to shoot one target so went down in points faaast. 13th with 50,63%.

Video: ... 5.AVI/full

<b>Stage 4</b>
Run thru. This was a fun stage. You had tire walls with small "rooms" and targets in them. 16 targets to shoot. In the middle was late on the mag change (cause "forgot" it) and then my used mag didn't want to come out of the gun. That cost me second or two. No other mistakes. 8th with 72,65%.

Video: ... 9.AVI/full

<b>Stage 5</b>
Behind the door. This was the last stage of the day and we were pretty tired at this time. You had 3 doors and one window with 18 targets all in all. The first room had a swinging target where I had 1 miss :( Other than that no bigger mistakes. Was 9th with 70,70%.

Here kosa's camera run out of batterys and could only get the last 2 shooting spots.

Partial video: ... 1.AVI/full

After that we went back to the hotel, went to eat, cleaned our guns and mags and pretty much went sleeping after that... It had been a really long day.

Okay Sunday... Wakeup again at 6.20am, quick breakfest and back to the range.

<b>Stage 16</b>
ATV. This was the "scariest" stage cause you could get easily disqualified here. Start was sitting on an ATV with your back facing the 9 targets. From start you had to turn around and shoot the targets while remaining on the ATV and not pointing outside the handling sector (in the video the red-white stiped things in the tirewall). Me being as agile as rhino, took my time turning and shot okay. Was 8th with 68,51%.

Video: ... 3.AVI/full

<b>Stage 17</b>
Cowboy. Here you sit on a barrel. Legs are not allowed to touch the ground and shoot the 9 targets. Simple. 11th with 85,18%.

Video: ... 5.AVI/full

<b>Stage 18</b>
Car. Same as the rest but while sitting in the car. 9 targets. 6th with 68,27%.

Video: ... 7.AVI/full

<b>Stage 19</b>
Bike. Oh the diversity of the stages... 9 targets while on a bike. 10th with 75,88%.

Video: ... 9.AVI/full

<b>Stage 20</b>
Rock around the clock. 12 targets to shoot. Here for some reason my reddot started to go on-off during shooting so was shooting with feeling. "use the force..." Anyway inspite of that didn't lose that much time. 12th with 74,13%. Cleaned the battery contactpoints and everything was well after that.

Video: ... 0.AVI/full

<b>Stage 11</b>
Six to six. Here you had a wall that you had to lean over and shoot 6 targets per side. Had again one misfire here that eats points in a short course like this. 13th with 69,33%.

Video: ... 2.AVI/full

<b>Stage 12</b>
Nine shots. Shooting 9 targets from really low position. Easy for tiny agile people, not so easy for bigger ones with backtrouble. And ofcourse you had to stay inside the tiny box... was 18th with 46,32%.

Video: ... 4.AVI/full

<b>Stage 13</b>
Rubberhouse. This was a stage made of tires and had multiple rooms and 14 targets. There was quite a bit of running here and I dropped a mag just like in the first stage on saturday. Was 16th with 61,79%.

No video cause the safety angles were so crappy...

<b>Stage 14</b>
Table. Pretty straightforward pick gun and mag from table and shoot the targets. Shot badly in this one. Missed the second plate 3 times and that cost a lot of time. 14th with 60,69%.

Video: ... 7.AVI/full

<b>Stage 15</b>
Holes in the wall. Last stage of the competition so taking it easy and not doing anything foolish. You had 2 holes with 12 targets in all to shoot. Pretty straight forward stage, no major hickups. 10th with 65,24%.

Video: ... 9.AVI/full

For me it was a fun competition, Kosa didn't like it that much even though he won me by 78 points (3,81%). I barely won the first day but the second Kosa had much faster and solid runs... I was 9th overall with 69,83% from the winner. I'm pleased with that cause haven't been training.

Edit: link to the video folder... ... 008/Video/

Posted: 14 Jun 2008, 21:01
by Heggis
Well Seti you shouldn't do it suddenly... start by taking it between you two and advance from there...

But todays report... don't have the energy to put pictures but a small report.

Today was all big stages. Most of the stages were 32 rounds minimum and 3 stages were in darkness inside bunkers... Sviiit 8)

My day went pretty much normal level. Only 3 misses and 1 procedural penalty (so -40 points from max points). But Kosa has some problems due to his ammo casings. I am propably ahead of him in points but he's enthusiasm is pretty low atm... Half of the day was raining and that is never good :( Hopefully tomorrow is a bit better, atleast it hasn't promised rain... we all know what that means. :roll:

So just a brief one. Gonna do a proper one when we get back home...

Posted: 14 Jun 2008, 09:36
by *|DTF|*Seti_Sniper
hehe got the right order for sleeping places !

i have now tried to get Phoebus to understand her ranking here at home, but i failed, my baby is in the safty box :roll: