Evil deeds by.... Starsoft?

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Evil deeds by.... Starsoft?

Post by Angelcow »

I was as usual bored at work and took a little tour at the cowpage, and what did I see?!
Someone had evilly changed my intro quote (bottom left text: "Slow cows will in time move to Ravenshield") so its not anymore a friendly cattleprod to get the slow moving cows to Ravenshield, but a evil attack against us poor cows who dont have computer power enough to play the vegas game. The criminal which did this move has not yet been identified, but since the psychological profile made my detective Skoldpadda leans heavily against the malevolent-evil scale Starsoft can be the only suspect.

On a nearby subject: The "bring sexy cows to the not so new, but very nice game Battlefield 2142" -campaign goes forward in small steps.
The two heroic cows who are being daily humiliated on Battlefield servers are still just KOF and Skoldpadda (Angelcow). BUT after some evil negotiations ande heavy sacrifices from named cows (buying of ARMA), the vigiliant cow Shadow and the slow mo(v)ing 7th are aquiring the game.

This will make the Battlefield playing group expand to about 8 players, including our non cow related players (aka cow groupies) who join frequently.

So if you want to be a part of the Battlefield 2142 mooing cows, aquire the game asap and join the fun. Since we are all relatively new to Battlefield it will be like in the old days, which means alot of loud mooing and alot of dead cows.

That was all for now.

/Skoldpadda (angelcow), Cow in charge of the "More cows in Battlefield" brainwash.... eh convincing project.
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