Hodi, hodi... Check out this smashing chef secret!

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Cows Chef
Posts: 28
Joined: 21 Feb 2001, 13:21


Post by Cows Chef »

Let me respond to my fellow cows statement with a deep and insightful haiku:<br>
"The big bellied cow,<br>
majestic and fearfull view,<br>
many bullets take."<br>
-Zen Chef (now with functional RS/UO)

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Re: Hodi, hodi... Check out this smashing chef secret!

Post by KOF »

Damn mirror.<br>
This is not me. I am thin. KOF is not this big. No way !!! <br>
Damn Cheffa. <br>
This is not a good desert. It will make KOF get thick. Auch !!<br>
But as a contrary:<br>
Why workout ??<br>
when a beer/food bellie is something u paid alot for !!<br>
Moooo all<br>

Cows Chef
Posts: 28
Joined: 21 Feb 2001, 13:21

Hodi, hodi... Check out this smashing chef secret!

Post by Cows Chef »

The Swedish Chefs secret cow doping brain wacking:<br>
125 gr. of dark chocolate<br>
2 tbl. spoons of sugar<br>
1/2 dl. milk (my own prefered)<br>
2 eggs<br>
1 tbl. spoon of whisky<br>
Oki dont worry, just follow me here... Start with stomping the chocolate real good (frags does the trick too, but leaves a rather strange taste). Put the crushed chocolate in a bowl and dip it in a pot of boiling water to melt the chocolate. Pour in the milk and the sugar. Now to the eggs. Shot them open and separate the egg whites from the the yellow stuff. Mix in the yellow stuff under wild moooing. Whip the egg whites to a foam and gently pour them in the mix when it has coolen down a bit. Reload your magazine. Open a bottle of Scotch and add the whiskey... You can add more but it doesnt improve your aiming. Now its almost done!<br>
Put the mousse in small cups of your choice and freeze em for an hour.... Serve with whipped cream! <br>
YUM YUM! For da chocolate Mooose!!<br>
