Back at the sucking plant!

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No I'm not sorry

Post by KOF »

Why should i be sorry.Its better to come up with ure opinion instead of using false Forum id's and then claim on icq that u are more clever <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :) --><img src= ... /smile.gif ALT=":)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> )<br>
Grtz from the real<br>
KOF <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :smokin --><img src= ... smokin.gif ALT=":smokin"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END-->

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Im sorry!

Post by KOF »

I cant stand it anymore!<br>
How could I tell all those evil things of my beloved teammates. And it is true -Ace and Star are (relatively)innocent. I admit that I in a very evil way sneaked into battlecom to whine and then accuse the innocent for the whining. <br>
The reason for doing this is somewhat unclear to myself, but I felt an urge to do it. <br>
When at it: I feel very guilty for tonights trying to teamswitch just to come in the winning team. Luckily my teamates showed me the right way in a harsh but friendly way. <br>
Its a pleasure being able to mooo with such beautiful cows. <br>
And I promise to never (again) place my head on Angelcows body to try to get girls. <br>
If I get back to my evil self again, dont belive me.<br>

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huh :)

Post by KOF »

* The good ones [Angelcow]<br>
Sure baby. As a moderator u edit all our posts so I look like evil <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :evil --><img src= ... /devil.gif ALT=":evil"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <br>
The manipulating ones [Angelcow]<br>
* The (for once) wrongfully accused [Ace, Starsoft]<br>
They can NEVER be wrongfully accused. <br>
Ace is just whining since on BC its the only time he can do it (I think he's wife is the one with pants on in the house <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :D --><img src= ... /happy.gif ALT=":D"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> ).<br>
Starsoft........ Well we all know the story........... <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :lol --><img src= ... /laugh.gif ALT=":lol"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <br>
The not accused but defined ones [Ace, Starsoft]<br>
* The Evil ones [Kof]<br>
Look at previous line about editing posts. Leave the evil out of my name <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :smokin --><img src= ... smokin.gif ALT=":smokin"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <br>
The good and pretty ones [KOF]<br>
* The neutral ones [7th, Zero]<br>
Of course they are neutral. They come online so late they miss all the foreplay of the whining and therefore can only be used by us to participate in some (bad <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :) --><img src= ... /smile.gif ALT=":)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> )cowrelationships <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :rolleyes --><img src= ... s/eyes.gif ALT=":rolleyes"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <br>
The neutral ones [7th, Zero]<br>
But of most importance:<br>
Respect from me to all <br>
***and let the whining begin, muuuuuuuu***<br>
When u need fun on bc, don't ask for me <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :smokin --><img src= ... smokin.gif ALT=":smokin"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END-->

Cows Engel
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Post by Cows Engel »

Hehe, nice, very nice <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :) --><img src= ... /smile.gif ALT=":)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <br>
Now we have created 4 phalanx in the herd:<br>
The good ones [Angelcow]<br>
Who objectively try to deduct the truth by studying the observable output from Bc.<br>
The (for once) wrongfully accused [Ace, Starsoft]<br>
A group who are used as scapegoats in the evil teams malicious plots. Sadly enough they are both very useful as scapegoats since Star IS a whiner, and Ace IS a evil b*** (Maybe trying to join the evil team?).<br>
The Evil ones [Kof]<br>
Who try to scatter the cow unity with accusations left and right. Instead of horns, the evil cow is identified by his erected tail.<br>
The neutral ones [7th, Zero]<br>
Those cows are more or less clueless, and are only useful as tools used by any of the above phalanx. <br>
And star, since when has killing been anything the herd has payed any interest in? I thought tk-ing were our main task. <br>

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Thank's for talking behind my back

Post by StarSoft »

Evil ace and kof whining again, they can't come trough when other ppl are on BC? Well if you kill something during gaming, then you are allowed to talk <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :) --><img src= ... /smile.gif ALT=":)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END-->

Cows Engel
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Strange sounds

Post by Cows Engel »

There are, as you all know, alot of strange sounds in the background of the Cow bc channel. Since Im a curious cow I have spent some time trying to detect what kind of sounds that is. And now finally I have after reducing all relevant diskussions from civilised cows like Angelcow and Ace found what the background noice was:<br>
AO...................HE SHOT ME!!....................AO.............HE SHOT ME AGAIN.............AO..............ASK HIM TO STOP PLEASE!!..............ASCH, DEAD AGAIN...............I THINK I LEAVE, CANT KILL ANYTHING IN HERE........Are the weather conditions equal for both sides?........Seems like my team has a worse insertion................Hmm, I switched team, but it seems like the new team has the worst insertion.......------.....I think I will pretend to be sick tomorrow, just to keep away from bullets.<br>
The strange sounds has been recorded when Starsoft (a very likely suspect indeed) wasnt online, but the talker must come from netherlands or something according to the voice analysis. Could have been SKy, but he wasnt online either.<br>

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I know

Post by KOF »

Starsoft <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :) --><img src= ... /smile.gif ALT=":)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END-->



Post by AcE_Sp.Cows »

<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :hat --><img src= ... s/pimp.gif ALT=":hat"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> yes KoF there is some whining but it not just from E<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START ;) --><img src= ... s/wink.gif ALT=";)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END-->

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For those who are interested

Post by KOF »

Whining E on battlecom !!<br>
It sounds nice but unfortunately when u hear it u wished he wasn't there.<br>
So be prepared if u think about joining it.<br>
Muuuuu all

Cows Engel
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Back at the sucking plant!

Post by Cows Engel »

Just felt an urge to moooo some in honor of the splendid game ravenshield!!!<br>
Very nice, very nice, very fun!<br>
And best of all: I am back at the feeling I got when I started to play Roguespear -the feeling of getting hit by everyone without knowing why, hehe. Very entertaining <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :) --><img src= ... /smile.gif ALT=":)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <br>
