Stunning news, I just had to give it to ya

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Cows Chef
Posts: 28
Joined: 21 Feb 2001, 13:21

Poor cow...

Post by Cows Chef »

I will try to remember never to practice the "Death-from-above" tactical cow move after this terrible, terrible accident... Its just safer to use your PDW than your body I guess...

Posts: 2
Joined: 15 Oct 2001, 14:18

Stunning news, I just had to give it to ya

Post by XkoalaX »

lygande ko n?ra ramma bil<br>
En norsk bilf?rare hade ?nglavakt h?romdagen. Olav Kjelstad hann se en stor skugga snett ovanf?r och sv?nga undan en - ko. Kossan, som avled vid nedslaget, hade halkat och st?rtat fr?n en klipphylla h?gt ovanf?r, uppger Verdens Gang. - Det var mycket dramatiskt, men jag lyckades sv?nga undan. Efter?t var jag alldeles skakis, s?ger Olav till tidningen.<br>
Aftonbladet text-tv<br>
A short English version :<br>
A norwegian Driver had luck when a flying cow came towards his car. He managed to avoid the cow, which died on the impact on the road. Seems as if they have no problem with liftoff but need to practice landings.<br>
